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The Nature Of Time

Ed Miliano

The Nature of Time features the extraordinary 

Diary which was first shown in the RHA at the Future’s Show in 2012. Diary is a study of the artist’s garden through his studio window every day for a whole year. So, comprising 366 individual works (it was a Leap Year), the viewer is confronted with an epic landscape that measures the shape of days, weeks, months in terms of mood, colour, tone and form. Standing in front of this monumental tableau the viewer can observe a single day and, simultaneously, look at the past and see into the future. Diary not only documents the passage of time but also comments on the very nature of time.

The exhibition presented the artist's recent work including landscape images constructed in composites and newly cast bronzes. As with Diary, these works tap the artist’s interest in bringing the ‘outside’ indoors and making the connection between man and the natural world through the conduit of the garden.

© 2025 OliverSearsGallery                    +353 1 6449459                               33 Fitzwilliam St Upper, Dublin 2, Ireland                          By appointment 




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