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Dialogues in Black


Dubh: Dialogues in Black, is an exhibition of contemporary objects featuring work by Irish designers and artists in dialogue with their American peers. International curator Brian Kennedy looks at black as both a physical and an emotional starting point for the most interesting creative voices from Irish and American artists. Dubh: Dialogues in Black in New York is supported by Culture Ireland through their Imagine Ireland programme; a year-long season of Irish arts in America in 2011, an initiative of Culture Ireland, with funding from the Department of Tourism, Culture and Sport. In Ireland the exhibition is supported by the Embassy of the United States of America, Dublin. Dubh: Dialogues in black is supported by the Crafts Council of Ireland. In addition the Crafts Council of Ireland and Craft Northern Ireland have designated 2011 as Year of Craft and this exhibition has been included in the Year of Craft 2011 programme of events.

Dubh: Dialogues in Black will receive support from the Arts Council of Northern Ireland while the exhibition’s academic partner is CIT Crawford College of Art & Design, Cork.

© 2025 OliverSearsGallery                    +353 1 6449459                               33 Fitzwilliam St Upper, Dublin 2, Ireland                          By appointment 




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